All New “Nakd” Snack Bars From Natural Balance Foods! Gluten-Free, Vegan and made from 100% Whole Foods. Plus a Special Sample Offer for Vedged Out Readers.

As a blogger, one of the fun things I get to do is try new products on occasion. While I can’t accept every offer in my inbox, once in a while I get an offer I can’t refuse. These Nakd Snack Bars had me at hello!



Plus, they are rather flattering, don’t you think?!? Talk about a product making you feel special! 😉

Nakd Snack Bars are made by Natural Balance Foods, an exciting British company that recently launched in the U.S. They specialize in snack bars that are made of 100% natural ingredients, and are both vegan and gluten-free. Wins all around!

Natural Balance has a special offer for Vedged Out readers. You can get your own sample case of these bars pictured above for just $9.99 with free shipping. That’s 40% off their regular price of $16.99. So go ahead, click on the link below and nab your own box.

$9.99 Sample Case of Nakd Bars


I’ve tried to taste as many of the flavors as possible, so far, all have been delicious, with the cocoa orange being so tasty it makes my socks go up and down. Some of these bars have just 2 whole food ingredients and most of the bars have less than 5 ingredients. My children have been fighting over them for lunch box snacks and my husband asked if he could take the whole case to work. Looks like I need to get everyone their own box! Enjoy yours!





  1. I’m so excited that you guys have Nakd bars in the US too now. They are my go-to snack when I go hiking or travelling. They are so yummy! It’s good to know I’ll be able to buy one of my favourite snacks when I come back to the US next year. Be aware, though, here in the UK not all the flavours are gluten-free. I didn’t check the ingredients on one and ended up having an allergic reaction to oats.

  2. I clicked on the link but it’s their regular pricing. Is there a special code to use? I’d really love to try them! Looking for something tasty for when I travel later this month.

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