Vegan French Toast

I thought it was an Urban Myth, but it’s true, french toast can be made WITHOUT EGGS.  It’s so easy, I’m freaking out! (Hence the food porn photo assault)

Vegan French Toast

Ingredients: 6 thick slices of stale whole wheat or other tasty bread (to stale it up, you can lightly toast the slices or put them in the oven on the lowest heat for 10 or more minutes), 1 C. unsweetened soymilk, 3 T. garbanzo (or chickpea) flour, 1 T. cornstarch or arrowroot, 1 T. pure maple syrup, couple dashes of cinnamon.

Method: Combine soy milk, garbanzo bean flour, cornstarch, maple syrup and cinnamon in a shallow dish (like a pie tin) with a wire whisk. Preheat a non-stick skillet to medium heat and use a little pan spray or coconut oil for additional sticking prevention (these babies are sticky). Quickly dip and coat both sides of the bread and fry two pieces (or however many you can fit in your skillet) at a time, cooking for about 2 minutes on each side over medium heat. Keep cooked french toast in a warm oven while finishing off the rest of the batch in the skillet.

Butter with An Unrefined Vegan’s insanely addictive Cocoa Coconut Buttera drizzle of pure maple syrup, some sliced banana and some vegan powdered sugar.

Freak out.

Tip: if you make a double or triple batch, you can freeze the extras and toast the slices in the toaster for a super quick delicious breakfast on the fly!

If you haven’t all ready joined the Virtual Vegan Potluck, head on over there now. The potluck is November 1st (World Vegan Day) and is open to all bloggers who will prepare a vegan dish to ‘share’. Not only is it super fun, but it’s a great way to drive traffic  to your site and make new blogging buddies 🙂


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I recently grew a dislike of eggs but hated that a lot of baking recipes require it.

    1. Eggs have always been a love hate relationship for me. I disliked them as a child, but learned to love them as an adult. What I didn’t like was the sulphery aftertaste that would always get burped back up and the heavy feeling you would have after consuming them. 10 months now, no eggs. Don’t miss them a bit! Especially when you can make dishes like this one without! It’s easy to sub eggs in recipes, sometimes I just leave the egg out entirely, but in recipes where it really needs a binder, 1 T. ground flax seed + 3 T water mixed then set aside for a few minutes makes a great (and healthy) egg substitute, you can’t tell the difference in a finished recipe.

    1. Thanks Emmy! So glad you’re going to be at the VVP. Don’t you wish it was for real? How fun would that be to have that huge party/feast all together? 🙂

  2. OMGoddess! I’m going to have to try this. French toast was one thing I kind of missed over the last 8+ months of being vegan. =0)
    *happy dancing*

    Veggiewitch ♥

    1. So glad I made your day with this. I swear there was happy dancing in my kitchen when this worked out. Denise, I swear you won’t be able to tell the difference, in fact, if you don’t like this version better, I’ll eat my hat!

  3. I will attempt to make this with cashew or almond milk as I don’t use soy any more. Cheers for a great recipe and something else to try other than good old oatmeal in the mornings 🙂

      1. The way it looks outside and the fact that I am going to have to deal with mathematics for another entire day might shuffle it from “weekend treat” to TODAY STAT! Since when does a diploma in landscape design become reliant on mathematics eh? I thought I left maths behind YEARS ago…it would seem it has been shaddowing me just waiting for a chance to leap out and bite me a few more times…like when a dog shakes its prey. At least I will be fortified with delicious french toast…”bring it on mathematics!”

  4. I had a scary coincidence with a French toast when I travelled the USA about 15 years ago and never had one after that, but this one looks really promising, I guess I will have to give it another try now.

    1. Yes, unfortunately, you must! I swear you won’t be sorry, just make sure to use a really good non-stick skillet 🙂

  5. I would never have thought you could do this either. I guess it just proves where there is a want, a little creativity can fill it. I’m going to sign up for the potluck – I just need to think about what I’d make.

    1. Yes! Heidi! Excited to have you on board. It’s super fun, I promise 🙂 I have a friend that made a vegan pavlova recently, I would have never thought that would be possible. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! 🙂

  6. I know, I know!! I freaked out over vegan French toast, too – though the first time I made it I had a disaster on my hands (or should I say, in my pan – it stuck). But, oh so good. I haven’t tried making it with chickpea flour, but that totally makes sense. I think I need to let some bread go stale, like now!

    1. So amazing, but the truth is, your cocoa coconut butter pushed it over the edge! The chickpea flour made the coating amazingly eggy! Crazy!

  7. Thanks for this recipe! My family loved it—my 20 month old son ate 2 pieces and is still begging for more and swiping pieces off of my husband’s and my plates! I’m going to play with this and see if I can match my old restaurant favorite!

      1. Yep, saw it last night before bed and made it this morning! My son has literally been asking for “more French” ALL day! I used to get one at a restaurant and it was made with horchata! My bread also absorbed SO much liquid, so I might try it with a thicker/tougher bread. It was delicious—we ate quite a bit this morning!

        1. So cool! Another reader just let me know that the ppk has a recipe that uses chickpea flour. I checked it out and she does use a sturdier bread and more flour, you might want to give that one a go.

  8. I have made this too and many vegan places have this for breakfast on their menus… its funny isnt it, many things we see that are not vegan are pleasantly veganized into an even tastier vegan dish….

    1. So much tastier, and cholesterol and cruelty free to boot! Love it Thom. Thanks for always having such nice things to say.

  9. PPK has a chickpea flour french toast recipe that I’ve used several times, so I totally agree with you- it’s totally amazing! Chickpea flour is just plain neat. 🙂

    1. Wow, I need to head over and check it out, I found so many different recipes, some using chickpea flour, some using cornstarch, some using bananas, some using coconut milk and some using white flour. I decided I was best off winging it on my own and loved the results 🙂

    1. You could always pull one final majestic pizza out of your magic hat, though I imagine by then, you may be a bit sick of pizza 😉

  10. I LOVE FRENCH TOAST!!!!! (If I could fit one million explanation points in here it could easily translate how much I love french toast). Thanks for sharing this easy and delicious recipe, and all of the drool-worthy photos!

    1. ME TOO!!! Only this tastes better than any french toast I’ve ever had. Sorry to tempt you out of “raw-dom” my dear, but one little indulgence might be worth it. This was so good I seriously made another batch to freeze and pop into the toaster for whenever I fancy a slice! 🙂

  11. Man, I was just searching for a vegan french toast recipe. This is so great! My daughter is allergic to eggs and has never experienced french toast goodness! She’s not going to know what hit her!

    1. Guess what, you can make it with gluten free bread too if you can have that right now. The “french toast” dipping liquid is gluten free! 🙂

  12. You did it! I was searching vegan recipes for French toast without the egss & didn’t know how to begin with it! Your rcipe comes just in time! A must make tomorrow moring! Thanks! 🙂 xxx

    1. Yes! Please let me know what you think. I liked the recipe so much I all ready made it again! Really simple and so much like the real thing!

  13. Freakin’ amazing – you are so incredible Somer!! I haven’t had french toast since becoming vegan – THANK YOU for sharing this incredible recipe!

    1. Ha! I would have figured that you of all people would have had this down ages ago. It really (really) is phenomenal. I wanted to eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner! okay maybe I did, don’t tell anyone! xox

  14. Found your blog through the Veganauts fb page…all these recipes look great, especially this one since I’m breakfast FREAK…I have a hard time finding any kind of ‘alternative’ ingredients here in Japan (though soymilk is plentiful!) so this will have to wait until a visit home.

    1. Sorry I can’t help you with the ingredients! Love the veganauts group, Jason (the founder) is the coolest! Hope you get to enjoy some of this goodness when you get back home 🙂

  15. If you want amazing French Toast, try a product called The Vegg. It is a powder made from nutritional yeast that when added to water becomes a thick yummy egg yolk that you can even just dunk toast in and eat. Its totally vegan!

  16. I made this today, exact same proportions, and it was INSANELY good. I don’t need tro even try another french toast recipe now! My hiusband and mother both loved it as well. Will definitely make this again and again! We served it today with maple-caramelised bananas and a maple-cinnamon-cashew-vegan cream cheese butter. Thank you so very much. 🙂

  17. Wow!
    I know this comment is so 2000 and late, however I don’t care and just had to say thanks. I’ve never even tried ‘real’ french toast but this must be way better anyway, imagine that sweet, cinnamony deliciousness tinged with an eggy, sulphuric background? Eeew… they tasted great and I’ve added this recipe to my family weekend breakfast treats list. When cooking they stuck like craaazy but yummers. Thanks again for sharing. Chan x

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