
Sun Warrior’s Brand New RAW VEGAN Liquid Vitamin Mineral Rush Review and FIVE BOTTLE Giveaway

SunWarrior+Blogger+Banner (1)Sun Warrior Liquid Vitamin Mineral Rush

Denley Fowlke was the first raw vegan I ever met. I worked two doors down from him in a Real Estate office 15 years ago. He was (and is) a radiant picture of health. Lean, tanned, perfect teeth and glowing complexion (although, we’re both a bit older now). At the time I was baffled that anyone could eat a diet consisting of raw plants, sprouted grains, nuts and seeds, ALL THE TIME. I was intrigued and he inspired my first real juice fast. I even went out and bought what was then one of the top of the line juicers (a Champion, which I still own and it still works, um, like a Champion). A year later, I had moved into a different city and because of Denley’s influence, I attempted to go raw. At the time I was fairly young, and to be honest, didn’t really get entirely what a raw vegan was, the only resource I had was this totally awesome bookTo my credit I lasted a full six months on a raw vegan diet. I have to admit that after a period of time, everything started to taste like grass and I couldn’t handle it any more. So I went back to my sad Standard American Diet.

As you all know, I went fully vegan at the beginning of 2012 and I’m doing a month of mostly raw for April. This time around, I’ve got a better arsenal of rawtopia up my sleeve, plus all the tricks and tools of the trade that all the cool kids have (Blendtec, Cuisinart Food Processor, Dehydrator, etc.)

Fast forward to last month, my husband decided he wanted to start using a protein powder to fuel his workouts. I did my research and decided that Sunwarrior would be the best product for his needs. I loved that it’s vegan and raw! After buying the Chocolate Protein Powder at Whole Foods, I went online to see if I could get a better price on the Sunwarrior site. Imagine my surprise when I discovered on the site that Denley Fowlke is the Co-Founder of Sunwarrior. Now I knew that my husband was using a product I could trust, one with integrity and without any gimmicks. Well, I’ve since reconnected with Denley and Sunwarrior invited me to be one of the first to test our their BRAND NEW product, the Liquid Vitamin Mineral Rush. It’s Raw, Vegan and Organic!

I love this product! One thing we vegans always worry about is whether or not we’re getting our correct vitamin profile, I mean, plants give us nearly everything we need, but those B-12 and D vitamins can be a little elusive.

Denley_PhotoDenley Fowlke, Co-Founder Sunwarrior. Still eating a High Raw Diet

Here’s what Sunwarrior has to say about their product:

“Vitamin Mineral Rush contains no synthetics, chemicals, fillers, soy, or gluten, unlike many other multivitamins. Sunwarrior is one of the first companies to use no synthetic vitamins or minerals at all in their vitamin products.

Vitamins and minerals are crucial for good health and fitness and yet even the most health conscious people are forced to take chemical laden pills full of synthesized vitamins. We’re very happy to provide them a better option.”

Sun Warrior Liquid Vitamin Mineral Rush2Better option indeed! I’ve been using the product for two weeks now. The first thing that I love about it is that it’s a liquid, so it’s instantly absorbed by the body. There’s no worrying about whether or not it’s going to break down within your system and provide you with everything you need, (read here about some vitamins being eliminated from the system….whole). The liquid is pleasant tasting on its own, but you can also mix it with juice, water or into a smoothie. I love that you get an instant energy boost when taking the supplement as well. This product totally meets my needs!

Now, here’s the cool bit. Sunwarrior has been incredibly generous and is giving away FIVE bottles of the Liquid Vitamin Mineral Rush to FIVE of my readers.

Click on the link below to enter the Giveaway! Sorry, only open only to entrants in the USA. You must also follow this blog by email or RSS feed to qualify. You have 7 days to enter!  Winners will be announced on my blog on Monday April 8th. GO!

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